AYE RIGHT RADIO National Assembly Day. Video 263 Audio 20 S3

National Assembly Day 

  • We begin with three BBC shows;…
  • The Andrew Marr show featured UK Health Minister Hancock and Scotland’s FM Sturgeon with Glenn Campbell opining…Then the Politics Scotland show anchored by Andrew Kerr which featured DFM John Swinney and had Glenn Campbell – again…Finally The Big Question presented by Nicky Campbell worried about social media…
  • We then review Iain MacWhirter’s piece in the Herald exposing corruption at the Crown Office (prosecution service) led by Lord Advocate James Wolfe which Iain links to the Salmond V Sturgeon scandal…which we then discuss in depth…
  • Also mentioned are;…Anas Sarwar,  Rape Crisis Scotland,  NHS health boards,  Gordon Dangerfield and SKY’s James Mathews disappearing reports,  Peter A Bell,  the Real McKay seafood and the Red Hand Commando.

Correction and apology. Lord Advocate James Wolffe apologised on behalf of Lord Advocate Frank Mulholland. “Having previously defended the case, the Lord Advocate has now admitted that the Crown, under his predecessor Frank Mulholland QC, acted unlawfully during a substantial part of the proceedings. Documents recovered by the pursuers’ advisers show senior Crown Office lawyers speaking about the “need to nail the Duff & Phelps people” – referring to the pursuers’ firm at the time of their appointment as administrators. The court heard that no minutes appeared to exist of meetings chaired by Mr Mulholland to discuss strategy in the case.”

Opinions by Jimmy Hutton, Norrie Stewart, Phil Attridge, Stewart Lochhead

Audio podcast

National Assembly Day

Aye Right Radio videocast 247 podcast 4 S3. Electrodes On Their Nipples

 Electrodes On Their Nipples  

  • President Trump joins the gang very briefly as does James O’Brien of LBC who can’t find Dido Harding or Operation Moonshot.  What was that?  
  • The main show is a review of a long and exhausting Covid press briefing where we roast the hyena pack of hacks and congratulate the FM on her delivery.  
  • We toast articles by Marina Hyde on Johnson and in particular by Peter A Bell who has some manifesto advice for the new SNP President.
Opinions by Norrie Stewart, Phil Attridge, Jimmy Hutton, Stewart Lochhead

Audio podcast

Electrodes On Their Nipples

Aye Right Radio videocast 235 podcast 295. Mutant Etonian Variant

Mutant Etonian Variant

  • Keir Starmer’s DEVO speech continues to attract ridicule especially his use of the terms separatist and secessionist.  We range through reactions from Welsh Labour,  The Canary and Peter A Bell whose article leads us to consider alternative routes to iScotland.  
  • Brexit and the France – UK border closure is also covered.  
  • Your ideas for our Aye Right Yearly Awards are welcome.  Thanks for your ideas so far.  
  • We expect to continue posting video and audio over the next few weeks except for 3 days at Xmas. 
Opinions by Norrie Stewart, Jimmy Hutton and Stewart Lochhead

Audio podcast

Mutant Etonian Variant

Aye Right Radio videocast 231 podcast 291. Conversion Campaign

Conversion Campaign  

  • Today’s show begins with Brexit and ends with a Conversion Campaign.  
  • We effectively segue neatly through the topics making it a single connected conversation. 
  • On the way we mention issues raised in articles by Peter A Bell,  Jo Cherry and Iain Lawson.  
  • You can’t leave the club and keep the privileges;   
  • making a U-turn may not be that painful;  
  • Welsh Labour have shamed BLiS (viz Iain Murray) and led the way for a legal challenge of the Internal Market Bill which gives Lord Advocate James Wolfe a quandary in Scotland;  
  • Iain Lawson challenges the SNP old guard especially those on wages and reminds us of the failure of the 2017 campaign. 
Opinions by Norrie Stewart, Jimmy Hutton, Stewart Lochhead

Audio podcast

Conversion Campaign

Aye Right Radio videocast 226 podcast 286. A Late Arrival

A Late Arrival  

  • Jimmy joins Norrie and Stewart very late in the show.   
  • Norrie reports on the Brexit dominated Sunday morning TV shows plus an Elliot Bulmer article about devolution.   
  • Stewart reports on the lines of lorries at ports and the likely supermarket shortages and on Peter A Bell’s despairs of any reason the Unionists will give in.   
  • We discuss the new SNP policy convenor Chris Hanlon piece in the National and then Jimmy joins in on his soapbox about Nicola Sturgeon being too authoritarian.

Audio podcast

A Late Arrival

Aye Right Radio videocast 210 podcast 270. Let’s Kill Granny

Let’s Kill Granny

  • “The Vindicationists were no enthusiasts for independence any more than were those who subscribed to build the Wallace monument.” wrote Alex Massie who could be writing a plan for D.Ross
  • We find our way into a long discussion about the prospects for Indy and the SNP in May2021
  • Stewart gets controversial about Xmas but don’t call him the Grinch.
  • And Jimmy gets a fare

Audio podcast 270

Aye Right Radio videocast 205 podcast 265. Legal Travel Ban

Legal Travel Ban

  • It was noisy at the back of the Holyrood chamber during FMQs today but the Presiding Officer was lenient.
  • The consequences of the legal travel ban and the definition of an ‘essential journey’ were highlights and the FM enjoyed quoting the First Minister of Wales back to Richard Leonard @LabourRichard .   
  • The fall-out from last Saturday’s AUOB Assembly continues with our view of the reactions of @GeorgeKerevan , Mike Small and Peter A Bell @BerthanPete    
  • @RichardJMurphy entertains us with a description of a Scottish ‘Young Fabians’ meeting which he attended with Jackie Ballie @jackiebmsp and Kevin Hague @kevverage 
  •  “I then told them that since the quality of political and economic debate on The Bake Off was bound to be of a higher calibre than that in this meeting that was what I was going to watch, and left the meeting.”

Audio podcast 265.

Aye Right Radio videocast 197 podcast 257. For the Sake of Scotland

For the Sake of Scotland

Audio podcast 257.