Tuesdays Scottish Blogs





Gordon McIntyre Kemp over at business for Scotland argues that Nicholas Sturgeon needs to create an alternative economic vision for Scotland and she needs to do it quick.


Hollywood is goes for the shenanigans in the USA at the moment comparing it to Watergate.


James Kelly at Scott goes pop lays out what has happened and what he thinks will happen in Catalonia.


Stuart Campbell of wings over Scotland lays out how difficult it would be for the Catalans to legally get a referendum let alone independence under the Spanish constitution. He also points out the biased reporting on the subject.


Wee Ginger dug bemoans the lack of substance broadcast by reporting Scotland I think it would be fair to say he considers it a waste of space.


Late but in earnest a blog written by a Catalonian base got tells us how risky it can be at all levels a supporter of independence in Catalonia.


Common space has four new pieces up today one covering the cost of the roll-out of universal credit to local councils and asking if this could be Theresa May’s poll tax moment.

Followed by a piece by Leigh Wilson describing his time recently in Catalonia.

They then have a video of Richard Murphy discussing how house ownership can be viewed as a tax haven, and finally a piece on the expected apology from the first Minister Nicola Sturgeon regarding the pardoning of historic crimes associated with our once draconian homophobic laws.


Bella take the prize for the most content today starting with a short video Boris Johnson in Paris I am gonna presume that this was created to get down with the young folks.

Moving on to a piece entitled Catalonia past and future which gives us a historic breakdown of Catalonia’s political and national past and what the future might hold, this was written before present events unfolded.

The Third piece entitled the dawn of common politics discusses possible new ways of doing politics from the bottom up.

The Fourth pieces much is lighter and discusses the new Astroturf think tank these islands and how easily they got pieces into our mainstream media.

Next up is an amusing video covering the arrests by the FBI in recent American presidential politics.

The final new article is entitled ‘Mueller time’ mostly consists of a Twitter thread wondering how the Republicans will fake the news on this issue.

Sundays Scottish Blogs




Wilderness of peace takes the time to point out the hypocrisy of nationstates whose own history started in fire and blood when it comes to recognising the right of the people of Catalonia to decide their own future.


Munguins new republic brings us a cascade of soppy pictures to make us smile this Sunday, scroll right to the end of the article for a very useful list of how far to turn your clocks back.


James Kelly over at Scott goes pop, has a pop, at Kenny Farquharson for falling for an Nicholas Sturgeon parody Twitter account. By the way Kenny everybody has stopped talking about Devo anything now nobody believes it would be delivered.


wee Ginger dug’s article today covers the differences between the Catalonian independence movement and our own in Scotland, a wee boost if you’re feeling a wee bit down.


Peter A Bell over at Scotto voce suggests that in order to save itself the EU needs to take a more realistic view to change in the shape of its member states.


Wow Shaun Milne’s piece on Bella today pulls no punches and makes a strong argument for many voices to be heard in the independence movement. Personally I can empathise with his comments, not all kind, about Bella and about and sometimes the bubbles we build for ourselves are just too comfortable.

The second piece on Bella today by Mike small covers the voices which are critical of the Spanish government’s reactions to Catalonian self-determination.

Todays Scottish Blog round up



Common space leads the field today with five articles up in the last 24 hours. They cover energy policy in Scotland, apiece from Alistair Clark decrying the drowning out of women’s voices, Joseph Stiglitz argues for Scotland’s place in Europe, and a piece on the harm property developers have done to social housing and the final piece on the Scottish government’s announcement regarding the creation of our Scottish national investment bank. The last being an area covered by a policy document from commonweal so I think perhaps they can take some credit for the creation of this policy.


Bella has two new pieces up today one continuing their support for the outlawing of smacking children titled the little republic of rulemaking the second piece I think it’s fair to say is a tirade against the Tories as ever quality writing.


GA Ponsonby writes on the Indy ref two blog of broken promises and backs it up with the actual words spoken by the Westminster and Scottish Tories. Excellent ammunition to point out to any unionists that think perhaps they were not lied to.


Holyrood Chronicles has two short pieces one on Angela Merkel’s reaction to a leak and a critique on the BBC’s ability to shock their audience.


Munguins Republic discovers accidental art in the countryside.


James Kelly over at Scott goes pop rips up any hope for the Ruth Davidson for PM brigade, and continues his spat with Mike Smithson handing him his derrière in the process.


Wee Ginger dug re-publishes an article he did for the national a call to arms for the yes movement. Can’t say I disagree with him.


The Catalan situation described in a nutshell by ‘late but in earnest’. From a Scot living in Catalonia.


The ferret has a piece on incinerators to be sited all over Scotland with a discussion of the possible effects of this move.