New blog posts this weekend.



Gordon McIntyre Kemp argues for a distinction between equality and fairness in this new piece for business for Scotland.


GA Ponsonby highlights the Catalonian situation by describing a Scotland under the same extreme reactions from Westminster.

Peter A Bell questions the accuracy in this piece of accusations laid against police Scotland regarding institutional racism.

Munguins New Republic gives you a collection of photographs to make you smile and go ahhhh.

Wings over Scotland has a new cairnstooon cartoon, ticking the boxes.

Wee Ginger dug pulls no punches with a critique of what’s happening in Catalonia.

Craig Murray’s new blog piece stays with the Catalan emergency, providing figures to support the case for a new and legally binding referendum.

the ferret fact checks Ian Blackford the SNP leader in Westminster’s claim that it’s been 200 years since wage growth was so stagnant.

Lesley Riddoch’s feisty productions latest podcast with mentions for universal credit the Artic circle assembly and the mood music from the SNP conference.

Scotto voce has a look at the EU’s lack of action regarding the Catalan debacle with arguments for and against EU involvement.

Bella Caledonia has four pieces from Friday covering alternative media Catalonia John Finnies new law on smacking and a piece on the German political right. It has one piece from Saturday covering opposition to the smacking law.




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