Aye Right Radio videocast 253 podcast 10 S3. Footy, Fish and Fascism

 Footy, Fish and Fascism  

  • The Covid briefing report is upbeat.  Current figures for Scotland have plateaued.  Future lockdown rules could include closing food take-aways plus click and collect.  ‘Stay at Home and don’t go out to socialise’ is the message from the FM.  People are also going out to ‘promenade’ says Stewart.  
  • FM Sturgeon continues to receive support in the latest surveys.  The food replacement for a £30 voucher gets roasted as does MSP Michelle Ballantyne who has abandoned the Tories for Nigel Farage’s latest fascist party.  
  • Our latest opinions about the Salmond affair come at the end of the show.
Opinions by Stewart Lochhead, Norrie Stewart, Jimmy Hutton, Phil Attridge

Audio podcast

Footy, Fish and Fascism

Aye Right Radio videocast 248 podcast 5 S3. A Reliable Alternative Route.

A Reliable Alternative Route  

  • The upcoming SNP National Assembly is focussing minds and the May Holyrood election campaign has begun.  Will the unionists get it delayed?  
  • We debate the reasons for mistrust in the SNP leadership and include contributions/solutions from MP Kenny MacAskill,  blogger Jason Michael and an Aye Right viewer.  
  • The USA elections get mentioned and the Scottish media get roasted again. 
Opinions by Stewart Lochhead, Norrie Stewart, Jimmy Hutton

Audio podcast

A Reliable Alternative Route

Aye Right Radio videocast 245 podcast 2 S3. Englishman Talking to a Scot

  Englishman Talking to a Scot

  • We focus on the Andrew Marr show followed by two articles in the Sunday Times by Alex Massie.  
  • In interview by Marr,  Northern Ireland FM Arlene Foster avoided the word ‘border’,  reminding us that it’s 100 years since the current United Kingdom union began and that the Brexit NI protocol can be ended by a Stormont vote in four years.  
  • Then in interview,  PM Johnson failed to affect Stewart’s blood pressure and revealed little for a Monday tabloid headline though Marr challenged him over what democratic tools were left for a pro Scottish independence voter if a fresh indyref was refused.  
  • Alex Massie returns to assist us in dissecting topical independence issues.
Opinions by Norrie Stewart, Stewart Lochhead

Audio podcast

Englishman Talking to a Scot

Aye Right Radio videocast 244 podcast 1 S3. Maybe She Does Sincerity Better

Maybe She Does Sincerity Better  

We analyse the ten 2021 predictions of Richard Murphy, who blogs as ‘Tax Research UK’  

  1. Covid  
  2. Brexit  
  3. Economic recovery  
  4. Corruption  
  5. Freeports  
  6. Northern Ireland  
  7. SNP landslide  
  8. NHS crash  
  9. COP26  
  10. MSM fascists  
  11. New businesses  
  12. Disruption  

We finish with an excellent piece by Marina Hyde in the Guardian unofficially titled ‘Boris the Podium Victim’ which strangely got Norrie and Stewart wondering about Nicola…

Opinions by Stewart Lochhead, Norrie Stewart, Phil Attridge

Audio podcast

Maybe She Does Sincerity Better 

Aye Right Radio videocast 242 podcast 302. Foot on the Throat of Scotland

Foot on the Throat of Scotland  

  • We begin with the Holyrood Brexit vote to refuse consent for Scotland.  Mike Russell made a barnstorming speech winding up for the Scottish Government.  There’s a clip at the end.  
  • The rest of the show takes a familiar route linking topical issues/people as follows:-.. 
  • FT article offering advice to serious Unionists.  Occupied Scotland,  Trojan horse,  transport infrastructure,  Borders Railway to Carlisle,  direct European transport links,  North Sea electricity inter-connector,  Scottish water,  Lesley Riddoch wins award,  Stewart voted Tory,  Sicilian Mafia think London is more corrupt,  new gangster Lords,  Joanna Cherry,  wheesht for Nicola,  drive for democracy,  100% Scot V 8% Brit.. you figure?,  no UK election for 8 years,  English foot on the throat of Scotland,  taxi full of weapons,  Holyrood campaign.. Nicola Sturgeon has no big idea,  Welsh Labour shame SNP Government.  
Opinions by Jimmy Hutton, Norrie Stewart, Phil Attridge, Stewart Lochhead

Audio podcast

Foot on the Throat of Scotland

Aye Right Radio videocast 240 podcast 300. ‘She’s No Got the Chuckies’

‘She’s No Got the Chuckies’  

  • We begin with Jimmy’s report of last night’s Zoom Meeting on Plan B.  MP Angus Brendan MacNeil and Councillor Chris McEleny were in attendance.  Suzanne Blackley and Neil Mackay of AUOB hosted the evening.  
  • MP Pete Wishart blots his copybook with a rude reply to a letter from Dr. Timothy Rideout of the SNP Policy Development Committee.  We get excited over that.  
  • Paul Goodman of Conservative Home gets roasted for his London Times opinion piece.  
  • Jimmy coins some wonderful turns of phrase.  Norrie is on his own not wearing socialist red. Stewart apologises (again) for a mix-up over assemblies and letters.
Opinions by Phil Attridge, Jimmy Hutton, Stewart Lochhead, Norrie Stewart

Audio podcast

 ‘She’s No Got the Chuckies’ 

Aye Right Radio videocast 238 podcast 298. ‘Her Time Is Almost Up’

 ‘Her Time Is Almost Up’  

  • We all agree that Boris Johnson is the winner of the Brexit Games.  After that the show is all over the shop in this heated  ‘Silly Season’ episode.  
  • Featured;  
  • Tony Blair,  Erasmus,  London Financial business,  Fish and fishing parliamentary seats,  AUOB/YESALBA versus the SNP,  can Sturgeon survive?,  Angus Robertson,  Joanna Cherry,  Indyref plans and funding? 
Opinions by Stewart Lochhead, Norrie Stewart, Jimmy Hutton

Audio podcast

‘Her Time Is Almost Up’

Aye Right Radio videocast 237 podcast 297. Legacy iScotland Panel Debate 2013

Legacy iScotland  Panel Debate  2013

  • An ‘as live’ recording by ‘3 Men In A Blog’
  • Behind the camera   Stewart Lochhead… 
  • Featuring… Kevin Williamson @williamsonkev ( Rebel Inc, Bella Caledonia, Neu Reekie ),  Duncan Hothersall @dhothersall ( Labour Hame, New Statesman, Business) ,  Iain McGill @iainmcgill ( Conservative Politician, Street Soccer,  Business),  Norrie Stewart @norriestew ( Aye Right Radio, Leith FM, Artist/Cartoonist, Business).
  • Note the date and the balance on the panel between YES and NO.

Audio podcast

Legacy iScotland Panel Debate 2013

Aye Right Radio videocast 232 podcast 292. Legacy FMQs Review 09/05/2013

Legacy FMQs Review 09/05/2013

  • Featuring the legendary Alex Grant plus Stewart Lochhead and Norrie Stewart reviewing a typical Alex Salmond FMQs with Joanna Lamont, Ruth Davidson, Willie Rennie and Patrick Harvie.  
  • Neil Findlay, Margo McDonald and the un-named Presiding Officer also feature in a period when Sec 30 was under discussion and support for Independence was peaking around 30%+. 
Opinions by Alex Grant, Stewart Lochhead, Norrie Stewart

Audio podcast

Legacy FMQs Review 09/05/2013

Aye Right Radio videocast 230 podcast 290. Drug Deaths Capital

Drug Deaths Capital   

  • Drug deaths dominated FMQs. Ruth Davidson, Richard Leonard and Willie Rennie pressed FM Sturgeon about her responsibility for the scandal.  The three of us had a proper barney about it.  
  • Patrick Harvie raised the Supreme Court decision to approve a third runway at Heathrow and challenged the FM on her support for it.  We also discovered that a Climate Change Plan was published yesterday. We will have to try harder.  
  • A new Comres poll has support for independence at 58% again, meaning there’s now 17 polls in a row proving that ‘freedom’ is now the settled will of the Scottish electorate. 
Opinions by Norrie Stewart, Jimmy Hutton, Stewart Lochhead

Audio podcast

Drug Deaths Capital