AYE RIGHT RADIO. What Branch Manager?. video 269 audio 26 S3

What Branch Manager? 

  • Jimmy and Stewart review the Sunday TV politics shows, Ridge on SKY, Marr on BBC1 and Politics Scotland presented by Gary Robertson on BBC…Liz Truss, the Irish protocol,  AstraZeneca,  Alister Jack,  Anas Sawar and Monica Lennon all feature…
  • We read Roddy McLeod on the problems of SNP leadership facing FM Nicola Sturgeon and predict…
  • We hear that Ken MacQuarrie has ‘left’ the BBC to get hired by the BBC at £325,000 a year to monitor/whitewash bias in the BBC…You figure?
Opinions by Jimmy Hutton, Stewart Lochhead

Audio podcast

What Branch Manager?

AYE RIGHT RADIO. Would the SNP Collapse Parliament?. video 266 audio 23 S3

Would the SNP Collapse Parliament? 

  • Wee PMQs report…
  • SGov Covid briefing on travel controls/quarantine hotels…Impact on tourism…
  • Prof Curtice on polls…Backlash from England?…
  • We’re the new Irish…Effectively causing a civil war…Surrounded by the EU…
  • Twitter attack on Jo Cherry.
Opinions by Jimmy Hutton, Norrie Stewart

Audio podcast

Would the SNP Collapse Parliament?

AYE RIGHT RADIO Son of the Manse. video 265 audio 22 S3

Son of the Manse 

  • The news that the German government and the EU is in dispute with AstraZeneca about supplies of the Covid vaccine is our first topic…this issue has legs so expect more on it…
  • We roast the UKGov’s invisible Scottish Secretary for his article in the Irish Times…
  • We disagree with a well written London Times piece by Hugo Rifkind…and recall the friendly and excited atmosphere of Indyref1 and the AUOB marches…
  • The new owners of the Scotsman and Evening News may have abandoned the previous strong unionist support…we ruminate…
  • We offer our support to Craig Murray who faces political charges in an Edinburgh court this week…
  • We recommend an article ( England’s Scotland Panic – What is to be done & why a mature UK debate on the union & on Scottish independence is not on the horizon ) by Kirsty Hughes of the Scottish Centre on European Relations…more to follow. (link below).
Opinions by Stewart Lochhead, Norrie Stewart, Jimmy Hutton, Phil Attridge

Audio podcast

Son of the Manse

AYE RIGHT RADIO Grounds for Cautious Optimism. Video 264 Audio 21 S3

Grounds for Cautious Optimism 

  • Maybe the Covid virus has peaked again in Scotland?…The figures have steadied…The hacks story will be that Scotland lags England in the vaccination race though…
  • The BBC SNPbaad intro show had a London BBC reporter comparing with Scotland…apples and oranges…
  • We comment about the SNP National Assembly stitch-up…We bitch about George Kerevan’s SNP leadership race article…there’s a Bella ‘Lefty No to Yes’ story that gets memories going…Iain Lawson takes on the ‘blogger bullies’…Craig Murray says that the Crown Office still won’t reveal the Murrell/Ruddick evidence that the Inquiry demands…and Kenny MacAskill says Indyref2 in 2021 is impossible…
  • There’s no Sturgeon V Salmond stooshie today.
Opinions by Stewart Lochhead, Norrie Stewart, Phil Attridge, Jimmy Hutton

Audio podcast

Grounds for Cautious Optimism

AYE RIGHT RADIO National Assembly Day. Video 263 Audio 20 S3

National Assembly Day 

  • We begin with three BBC shows;…
  • The Andrew Marr show featured UK Health Minister Hancock and Scotland’s FM Sturgeon with Glenn Campbell opining…Then the Politics Scotland show anchored by Andrew Kerr which featured DFM John Swinney and had Glenn Campbell – again…Finally The Big Question presented by Nicky Campbell worried about social media…
  • We then review Iain MacWhirter’s piece in the Herald exposing corruption at the Crown Office (prosecution service) led by Lord Advocate James Wolfe which Iain links to the Salmond V Sturgeon scandal…which we then discuss in depth…
  • Also mentioned are;…Anas Sarwar,  Rape Crisis Scotland,  NHS health boards,  Gordon Dangerfield and SKY’s James Mathews disappearing reports,  Peter A Bell,  the Real McKay seafood and the Red Hand Commando.

Correction and apology. Lord Advocate James Wolffe apologised on behalf of Lord Advocate Frank Mulholland. “Having previously defended the case, the Lord Advocate has now admitted that the Crown, under his predecessor Frank Mulholland QC, acted unlawfully during a substantial part of the proceedings. Documents recovered by the pursuers’ advisers show senior Crown Office lawyers speaking about the “need to nail the Duff & Phelps people” – referring to the pursuers’ firm at the time of their appointment as administrators. The court heard that no minutes appeared to exist of meetings chaired by Mr Mulholland to discuss strategy in the case.”

Opinions by Jimmy Hutton, Norrie Stewart, Phil Attridge, Stewart Lochhead

Audio podcast

National Assembly Day

AYE RIGHT RADIO £60 Million Is Nothing. Video 262 Audio 19 S3

£60 million Is Nothing  

  • BBC Politics;…Lynsey Bews,  Graham Stewart,  70% of infected not self isolating,  £500 Gov support?,  Welsh FM accuses,  lockdown till summer?,  extend travel ban,  keep schools closed,  UKGov in denial,  ‘vaccination a distraction’,  kids NOT immune…
  • Covid briefing review;…Covid case rate down to 7%,  hospitals and ICU stable,  daily deaths 71,  FM  stresses/details dangers in supermarkets…brushes off police care home deaths inquiry and building work at Bute House…
  • Main review;…Spectator Royal Commission delay,  Colonel Ruth Davidson,  Lizzie Hoose,  Nissan bribe,  Channel Tunnel refilled,  Watergate at Holyrood,  the Scotsman/Johnston Press,  nukes illegal,  Holyrood list voting,  Greens,  ISP,  Galloway,  Brexit…
  • Sturgeon scandal;…James Mathews SKY story vanishes,  gagging orders,  Lord Advocate and £60m loss,  Craig Murray trial,  Lady Dorian,  Gordon Dangerfield,  alphabet women,  maybe I’m talking p**h…
Opinions by Phil Attridge, Norrie Stewart, Jimmy Hutton, Stewart Lochhead

Audio podcast

£60 Million Is Nothing

Aye Right Radio videocast 261 podcast 18 S3. Worst Excess Deaths in 129 yrs

Worst Excess Deaths in 129 yrs

That’s fake news broadcast by BBC Scotland BTW…

  • Deputy FM John Swinney held the Covid press briefing supported by NCD Jason Leitch…The game was ‘let’s compare vaccinations with England” and make ScotGov look bad on the day the UK death rate reached another awful peak…
  • From the past came a poll about a prosecution of former PM Tony Blair…
  • Alex Salmond’s former Chief of Staff, Geoff Aberdein, has been barred from giving evidence of a conspiracy against his boss to the Holyrood inquiry…
  • Nicola Sturgeon is England’s favourite political leader…Who knew?…
  • Lesley Riddoch analyses the detail in the latest poll by Scot Goes Pop…
  • We all have a go at the threat to free speech from the woke division.
Opinions by Jimmy Hutton, Norrie Stewart, Stewart Lochhead, Phil Attridge

Audio podcast

Worst Excess Deaths in 129 yrs

Aye Right Radio videocast 260 podcast 17 S3. Don’t Haste Ye Back

Don’t Haste Ye Back

  • The FMQs review majors on the vaccine programme roll-out…
  • We discuss a new poll which shows 55% support for the May Holyrood election to be plebiscitary (viz. a referendum on independence)…
  • The news from Labour sees Monica Lennon officially as a leadership candidate… There’s also a Keir Starmer appointment of a ‘former’ Mossad agent to spy on the UK Labour Party…
  • The final main topic is the launch in the UK of two more foreign backed TV News stations (what’s new?)…
  • Also included are;…Devi Sridhar,  Joanna Cherry + UK Supreme Court,  George Osborne,  Piers Morgan,  Andrew Neil,  Rupert Murdoch and Robin McAlpine out of Common Weal…
Opinions by Stewart Lochhead, Norrie Stewart, Phil Attridge, Jimmy Hutton

Audio podcast

Don’t Haste Ye Back

Aye Right Radio videocast 258 podcast 15 S3. Look Down On The Serfs

 Look Down On The Serfs  

It was a brief Covid briefing and only 14 journalists turned up…Perhaps they were warned that Covid only questions were allowed…The figures have plateaued so the focus was on the vaccination roll-out and comparisons with England…

The Review

  • It’s an eclectic mix of topics as we cover;…
  • The social media responses to Robin McAlpine and Craig Murray…
  • The SNP re-launch of yet another plan to think about how to have a referendum…
  • Charlotte St Partners,  the House of Lords and Norries support for an unelected second chamber…
  • Peter A Bell on a camel from George Kerevan…
  • Denise Findlay’s history of Nicola Sturgeon as FM…
  • Monica Lennon’s chance to lead Scottish Labour…
  • Exiled Scot Gavin Esler’s lost view of Scotland…
  • And Scottish fish lorries protesting in London.
Opinions by Phil Attridge, Norrie Stewart, Jimmy Hutton, Stewart Lochhead

Audio podcast

Look Down On The Serfs