AYE RIGHT RADIO £60 Million Is Nothing. Video 262 Audio 19 S3

£60 million Is Nothing  

  • BBC Politics;…Lynsey Bews,  Graham Stewart,  70% of infected not self isolating,  £500 Gov support?,  Welsh FM accuses,  lockdown till summer?,  extend travel ban,  keep schools closed,  UKGov in denial,  ‘vaccination a distraction’,  kids NOT immune…
  • Covid briefing review;…Covid case rate down to 7%,  hospitals and ICU stable,  daily deaths 71,  FM  stresses/details dangers in supermarkets…brushes off police care home deaths inquiry and building work at Bute House…
  • Main review;…Spectator Royal Commission delay,  Colonel Ruth Davidson,  Lizzie Hoose,  Nissan bribe,  Channel Tunnel refilled,  Watergate at Holyrood,  the Scotsman/Johnston Press,  nukes illegal,  Holyrood list voting,  Greens,  ISP,  Galloway,  Brexit…
  • Sturgeon scandal;…James Mathews SKY story vanishes,  gagging orders,  Lord Advocate and £60m loss,  Craig Murray trial,  Lady Dorian,  Gordon Dangerfield,  alphabet women,  maybe I’m talking p**h…
Opinions by Phil Attridge, Norrie Stewart, Jimmy Hutton, Stewart Lochhead

Audio podcast

£60 Million Is Nothing

Aye Right Radio videocast 261 podcast 18 S3. Worst Excess Deaths in 129 yrs

Worst Excess Deaths in 129 yrs

That’s fake news broadcast by BBC Scotland BTW…

  • Deputy FM John Swinney held the Covid press briefing supported by NCD Jason Leitch…The game was ‘let’s compare vaccinations with England” and make ScotGov look bad on the day the UK death rate reached another awful peak…
  • From the past came a poll about a prosecution of former PM Tony Blair…
  • Alex Salmond’s former Chief of Staff, Geoff Aberdein, has been barred from giving evidence of a conspiracy against his boss to the Holyrood inquiry…
  • Nicola Sturgeon is England’s favourite political leader…Who knew?…
  • Lesley Riddoch analyses the detail in the latest poll by Scot Goes Pop…
  • We all have a go at the threat to free speech from the woke division.
Opinions by Jimmy Hutton, Norrie Stewart, Stewart Lochhead, Phil Attridge

Audio podcast

Worst Excess Deaths in 129 yrs

Aye Right Radio videocast 260 podcast 17 S3. Don’t Haste Ye Back

Don’t Haste Ye Back

  • The FMQs review majors on the vaccine programme roll-out…
  • We discuss a new poll which shows 55% support for the May Holyrood election to be plebiscitary (viz. a referendum on independence)…
  • The news from Labour sees Monica Lennon officially as a leadership candidate… There’s also a Keir Starmer appointment of a ‘former’ Mossad agent to spy on the UK Labour Party…
  • The final main topic is the launch in the UK of two more foreign backed TV News stations (what’s new?)…
  • Also included are;…Devi Sridhar,  Joanna Cherry + UK Supreme Court,  George Osborne,  Piers Morgan,  Andrew Neil,  Rupert Murdoch and Robin McAlpine out of Common Weal…
Opinions by Stewart Lochhead, Norrie Stewart, Phil Attridge, Jimmy Hutton

Audio podcast

Don’t Haste Ye Back

Aye Right Radio videocast 257 podcast 14 S3. Not Another One?

Not Another One? 

  • The Marr,  Ridge and Politics Scotland shows are all reviewed…Jack McConnel was Gary Roberson’s Unionist guest on the wee show ‘where you are’ so the fortunes of Labour in Scotland and Anas Sarwar in particular were roasted…
  • In Holyrood Magazine Mandy Rhodes roasts both First Minister Sturgeon and Permanent Secretary Evans and others over the Salmond V Sturgeon affair…’What About the Women?’…
  • The Sunday National headlines another call to Yessers to prepare for Indyref2…’Not Another One?’  How many calls to arms have we had and how many more before we revolt?…
  • The former head of the FBI James Comey dubbed  Donald Trump as a menacing mob boss and suggested Trump would love an impeachment trial live on TV from Washington spread over 3 years…
  • Other topics included polls,  fish business and ferries.
Opinions by Phil Attridge, Jimmy Hutton, Norrie Stewart, Stewart Lochhead

Audio podcast

Not Another One?

Aye Right Radio videocast 256 podcast 13 S3. Vaccination Passports

Vaccination Passports…

  • Health Secretary Jeane Freeman took the Covid press briefing…
  • She apologised for mistakes in her department and announced South American travel bans due to the Brazil new variant…
  • Also announced were testing for ‘care at home’ workers,  a big expansion of mobile testing teams plus waste water testing at sewage works…
  • NCD Jason Leitch clarified the position on vaccination passports…
  • We discussed the Scottish Labour deposing of leader Richard Leonard at length and an article by MP Joanna Cherry about Europe was the final main topic…
Opinions by Phil Attridge, Jimmy Hutton, Stewart Lochhead, Norrie Stewart

Audio podcast

Vaccination Passports

Aye Right Radio videocast 255 podcast 12 S3. A Lobster Rosette

A Lobster Rosette  

  • Our review is a Salmond V Sturgeon psychodrama-free zone but the press asked questions about it at the Covid press briefing which featured Dr. Nicola Steedman and Dr. Alisdair Cook supporting the FM.   
  • The figures revealed another peak in hospital capacity but otherwise levelling off.   
  • Issues included the Brazil variant and a vaccination plan spat with the UKGov. 
  • We discuss the seafood industry Brexit disaster.   
  • A new poll has the SNP looking very strong for the Holyrood election 2021 and support for independence is holding at 57%.   
  • Lesley Riddoch suggests the YES  movement is a healthy demonstration of citizen democracy.  
  • John Curtice says the new Farage party,  dubbed ‘REFUK’ , will damage Unionist parties at the election. 
Opinions by Stewart Lochhead, Phil Attridge, Jimmy Hutton, Norrie Stewart

Audio podcast

A Lobster Rosette

Aye Right Radio videocast 248 podcast 5 S3. A Reliable Alternative Route.

A Reliable Alternative Route  

  • The upcoming SNP National Assembly is focussing minds and the May Holyrood election campaign has begun.  Will the unionists get it delayed?  
  • We debate the reasons for mistrust in the SNP leadership and include contributions/solutions from MP Kenny MacAskill,  blogger Jason Michael and an Aye Right viewer.  
  • The USA elections get mentioned and the Scottish media get roasted again. 
Opinions by Stewart Lochhead, Norrie Stewart, Jimmy Hutton

Audio podcast

A Reliable Alternative Route

Aye Right Radio videocast 239 podcast 299. Foxhunting Galloway

Foxhunting Galloway  

  • Phil Attridge rejoins the gang today.   
  • We offer advice to the SNP on the Brexit Deal vote in Westminster this week.  
  • Keir Starmer gets another roasting.  
  • We wonder when the rows over the Brexit Deal facts will start.  
  • Further developments are expected when Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon appear before the Harassment Inquiry next month. 
  • We speculate on the political future of Andy Wightman and for the Greens in Scotland.  
  • Foxhunting and George Galloway finish the show. 
Opinions by Norrie Stewart, Phil Attridge, Stewart Lochhead and Jimmy Hutton

Audio podcast

Foxhunting Galloway

Aye Right Radio videocast 233 podcast 293. Xmas Dinghied

Xmas Dinghied   

  • Stewart says ‘close the border’. Norrie says that FM Sturgeon doesn’t have the power.  Jimmy says the new rules are a power grab.  We have our say on a new Covid  lockdown with Norrie mediating.  
  • The Labour Party and Keir Starmer on ‘devolution’ get a roasting.  We have a clip to promote an interview that Canon Kenyon Wright made on ‘DEVO’.  
  • Andy Wightman dumped the Greens so we get wired into that.  
  • Our ‘Aye Right Yearly Awards’ make an entrance.  
  • The full Alex Grant interview with Kenyon Wright about devolution from 2014 is posted separately below.
Opinions by Stewart Lochhead, Jimmy Hutton and Norrie Stewart

Audio podcast

Xmas Dingied

Canon Kenyon Wright on Devolution

Canon Kenyon Wright was interviewed by Alex Grant on Black Diamond Radio in 2014. Kenyon was Chair of the Scottish Constitutional Convention (1989-1999) and he explains the background which led to the return of the Scottish Parliament. The position of Donald Dewar and Malcolm Bruce is clarified. We publish this in light of the Keir Starmer announcement about devolution.

Alex Grant interviews Canon Kenyon Wright

Aye Right Radio videocast 232 podcast 292. Legacy FMQs Review 09/05/2013

Legacy FMQs Review 09/05/2013

  • Featuring the legendary Alex Grant plus Stewart Lochhead and Norrie Stewart reviewing a typical Alex Salmond FMQs with Joanna Lamont, Ruth Davidson, Willie Rennie and Patrick Harvie.  
  • Neil Findlay, Margo McDonald and the un-named Presiding Officer also feature in a period when Sec 30 was under discussion and support for Independence was peaking around 30%+. 
Opinions by Alex Grant, Stewart Lochhead, Norrie Stewart

Audio podcast

Legacy FMQs Review 09/05/2013