AYE RIGHT RADIO. What Branch Manager?. video 269 audio 26 S3

What Branch Manager? 

  • Jimmy and Stewart review the Sunday TV politics shows, Ridge on SKY, Marr on BBC1 and Politics Scotland presented by Gary Robertson on BBC…Liz Truss, the Irish protocol,  AstraZeneca,  Alister Jack,  Anas Sawar and Monica Lennon all feature…
  • We read Roddy McLeod on the problems of SNP leadership facing FM Nicola Sturgeon and predict…
  • We hear that Ken MacQuarrie has ‘left’ the BBC to get hired by the BBC at £325,000 a year to monitor/whitewash bias in the BBC…You figure?
Opinions by Jimmy Hutton, Stewart Lochhead

Audio podcast

What Branch Manager?

AYE RIGHT RADIO. Gove-‘Go to Scotland Boris’. video 267 audio 24 S3

Gove-‘Go to Scotland Boris’
  • A dull FMQs with Sturgeon, Davidson, Baillie and Rennie arguing about vaccine delivery and Covid testing, suddenly came alive when Patrick Harvie asked the FM if she had regrets about transphobia in the Scottish Government…Nicola passionately defended her government in the manner of her personal video posted yesterday…
  • Changes to the wording of the Hate Crime Bill appeared to have triggered a social media attack on MP Joanna Cherry by trans-allies…
  • The timing seems to be a distraction as it coincides with the court appearance of Craig Murray and his publishing of evidence which is damaging to the First Minister…
  • PM Johnson’s Scottish visit gets supported by Keir Starmer (who knew?); ..roasted and then welcomed by the gang…
  • Jimmy’s Indy strategy suggestion of deliberately collapsing an SNP government after the May election gets analysed and expect more debate on the idea…
  • Someone suggested that a media mogul put up Michael Gove to persuade Boris Johnson to visit Scotland where he is despised…We wonder why.
Opinions by Jimmy Hutton, Norrie Stewart, Phil Attridge, Stewart Lochhead

Audio podcast

Gove- ‘Go to Scotland Boris’

AYE RIGHT RADIO National Assembly Day. Video 263 Audio 20 S3

National Assembly Day 

  • We begin with three BBC shows;…
  • The Andrew Marr show featured UK Health Minister Hancock and Scotland’s FM Sturgeon with Glenn Campbell opining…Then the Politics Scotland show anchored by Andrew Kerr which featured DFM John Swinney and had Glenn Campbell – again…Finally The Big Question presented by Nicky Campbell worried about social media…
  • We then review Iain MacWhirter’s piece in the Herald exposing corruption at the Crown Office (prosecution service) led by Lord Advocate James Wolfe which Iain links to the Salmond V Sturgeon scandal…which we then discuss in depth…
  • Also mentioned are;…Anas Sarwar,  Rape Crisis Scotland,  NHS health boards,  Gordon Dangerfield and SKY’s James Mathews disappearing reports,  Peter A Bell,  the Real McKay seafood and the Red Hand Commando.

Correction and apology. Lord Advocate James Wolffe apologised on behalf of Lord Advocate Frank Mulholland. “Having previously defended the case, the Lord Advocate has now admitted that the Crown, under his predecessor Frank Mulholland QC, acted unlawfully during a substantial part of the proceedings. Documents recovered by the pursuers’ advisers show senior Crown Office lawyers speaking about the “need to nail the Duff & Phelps people” – referring to the pursuers’ firm at the time of their appointment as administrators. The court heard that no minutes appeared to exist of meetings chaired by Mr Mulholland to discuss strategy in the case.”

Opinions by Jimmy Hutton, Norrie Stewart, Phil Attridge, Stewart Lochhead

Audio podcast

National Assembly Day

Aye Right Radio videocast 261 podcast 18 S3. Worst Excess Deaths in 129 yrs

Worst Excess Deaths in 129 yrs

That’s fake news broadcast by BBC Scotland BTW…

  • Deputy FM John Swinney held the Covid press briefing supported by NCD Jason Leitch…The game was ‘let’s compare vaccinations with England” and make ScotGov look bad on the day the UK death rate reached another awful peak…
  • From the past came a poll about a prosecution of former PM Tony Blair…
  • Alex Salmond’s former Chief of Staff, Geoff Aberdein, has been barred from giving evidence of a conspiracy against his boss to the Holyrood inquiry…
  • Nicola Sturgeon is England’s favourite political leader…Who knew?…
  • Lesley Riddoch analyses the detail in the latest poll by Scot Goes Pop…
  • We all have a go at the threat to free speech from the woke division.
Opinions by Jimmy Hutton, Norrie Stewart, Stewart Lochhead, Phil Attridge

Audio podcast

Worst Excess Deaths in 129 yrs

Aye Right Radio videocast 257 podcast 14 S3. Not Another One?

Not Another One? 

  • The Marr,  Ridge and Politics Scotland shows are all reviewed…Jack McConnel was Gary Roberson’s Unionist guest on the wee show ‘where you are’ so the fortunes of Labour in Scotland and Anas Sarwar in particular were roasted…
  • In Holyrood Magazine Mandy Rhodes roasts both First Minister Sturgeon and Permanent Secretary Evans and others over the Salmond V Sturgeon affair…’What About the Women?’…
  • The Sunday National headlines another call to Yessers to prepare for Indyref2…’Not Another One?’  How many calls to arms have we had and how many more before we revolt?…
  • The former head of the FBI James Comey dubbed  Donald Trump as a menacing mob boss and suggested Trump would love an impeachment trial live on TV from Washington spread over 3 years…
  • Other topics included polls,  fish business and ferries.
Opinions by Phil Attridge, Jimmy Hutton, Norrie Stewart, Stewart Lochhead

Audio podcast

Not Another One?

Aye Right Radio videocast 251 podcast 8 S3. Critical Response to Covid

Critical Response to Covid 

  • The Sunday morning political TV shows get reviewed. Linsey Bews hosted BBC’s Politics Scotland with guests Professor Steve Reicher and DFM John Swinney. We also cover Ridge and Marr as usual.  
  • We have a serious debate following the publication of evidence prepared by Alex Salmond for the James Hamilton inquiry. Hamilton is responding to FM Nicola Sturgeon after she ‘reported’ herself about whether she misled Parliament over meetings with Salmond in 2018.  
  • Possible delays to the Holyrood 2021 General Election come up and also Council elections in England.
Opinions by Stewart Lochhead, Norrie Stewart, Phil Attridge, Jimmy Hutton

Audio podcast

Critical Response to Covid

Aye Right Radio videocast 246 podcast 3 S3. Tazer the Weans

Tazer the Weans  

  • Don’t miss a five star rammie about Nicola Sturgeon in the second half of the show.  
  • We begin by reviewing the new Covid regulations outlined by FM Sturgeon.  Few surprises.  
  • There’s a brief summary of the political headlines from a Scottish viewpoint including Assange and Trump.  
  • Iain Lawson,  James Kelly and Peter A Bell all post thought provoking articles which we like.
Opinions by Stewart Lochhead, Phil Attridge, Jimmy Hutton, Norrie Stewart

Audio podcast

Tazer the Weans

Aye Right Radio videocast 244 podcast 1 S3. Maybe She Does Sincerity Better

Maybe She Does Sincerity Better  

We analyse the ten 2021 predictions of Richard Murphy, who blogs as ‘Tax Research UK’  

  1. Covid  
  2. Brexit  
  3. Economic recovery  
  4. Corruption  
  5. Freeports  
  6. Northern Ireland  
  7. SNP landslide  
  8. NHS crash  
  9. COP26  
  10. MSM fascists  
  11. New businesses  
  12. Disruption  

We finish with an excellent piece by Marina Hyde in the Guardian unofficially titled ‘Boris the Podium Victim’ which strangely got Norrie and Stewart wondering about Nicola…

Opinions by Stewart Lochhead, Norrie Stewart, Phil Attridge

Audio podcast

Maybe She Does Sincerity Better 

Aye Right Radio videocast 239 podcast 299. Foxhunting Galloway

Foxhunting Galloway  

  • Phil Attridge rejoins the gang today.   
  • We offer advice to the SNP on the Brexit Deal vote in Westminster this week.  
  • Keir Starmer gets another roasting.  
  • We wonder when the rows over the Brexit Deal facts will start.  
  • Further developments are expected when Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon appear before the Harassment Inquiry next month. 
  • We speculate on the political future of Andy Wightman and for the Greens in Scotland.  
  • Foxhunting and George Galloway finish the show. 
Opinions by Norrie Stewart, Phil Attridge, Stewart Lochhead and Jimmy Hutton

Audio podcast

Foxhunting Galloway

Aye Right Radio videocast 238 podcast 298. ‘Her Time Is Almost Up’

 ‘Her Time Is Almost Up’  

  • We all agree that Boris Johnson is the winner of the Brexit Games.  After that the show is all over the shop in this heated  ‘Silly Season’ episode.  
  • Featured;  
  • Tony Blair,  Erasmus,  London Financial business,  Fish and fishing parliamentary seats,  AUOB/YESALBA versus the SNP,  can Sturgeon survive?,  Angus Robertson,  Joanna Cherry,  Indyref plans and funding? 
Opinions by Stewart Lochhead, Norrie Stewart, Jimmy Hutton

Audio podcast

‘Her Time Is Almost Up’